History   Historical monuments

It is thought that San Cesario was founded by roman settlements and troops settled near Lecce.
In 1180 the place-name of San Cesario di Lecce appeared for the first time.
In 1460 a colony of slaves albanians arrived at San Cesario, they settled around the little church of San Giovanni Evangelista.
In the sixteenth century the town was divided in two parts, one ruled by the Guarinis, a noble family of Lecce, and the other one by the church of Santa Croce in Lecce.
In 1671 the Marullis, a rich family bought the two parts of the town realizing the unification; since that time the town had a flourishing period.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century San Cesario took part in the plot against the Bourbons and in 1848 with Vincenzo Cepolla in the first parliament of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Cepolla took part in the first temporary government in Otranto Land in 1870.
In 1880 the Ducal Palace was transfered from the Marullis to the Municipality of San Cesario where, nowadays, there is the Town hall.

  • Chiesetta di San Giovanni Evangelista del XIII sita in via Caponic;

  • Cappella Della Madonna Della Neve sita in via Angelo Russo;
    Palazzo Ducale epoca barocca;

  • Chiesa Santa Maria Delle Grazie epoca Barocca;

  • Chiesa di Sant’Elia sita in via Sant’Elia;

  • Chiesa SS.Immacolata sita in via Martini;

  • Chiesa SS.Sacramento e Sacro Cuore;

  • Chiesa SS. Addolorata;

  • Chiesa di San Rocco;

  • Cappella dello Spirito Santo sita in via Dante;

  • Case a corte;

  • Palazzetto Cinquecentesco via Duomo;

  • Palazzetto Seicentesco via Manno;

  • Palazzetto Liberty via Umberto I;

  • Palazzo Ducale;

  • Architrave d’ingresso con iscrizione datata a.d. 1776;

  • Palazzetto con colonna angolare via Immacolata;

  • Mercato coperto piazza XX settembre;

  • Palazzatti d’inizio secolo via Umberto I;

  • Ospedale cappella adorazione dei pastori.



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